Cameras in class?
March 10, 2022
In the first week of February, Iowa l a w m a k e r s introduced a bill that would require all schools to put cameras with a live feed inside all classrooms besides physical education or special education. The bill, named under House File 2177, was terminated on February 9, 2022. The invasive bill would allow parents to watch their children on a live feed. Parents wanted this to be passed so they could make sure that their child was getting the best education, adding pressure on teachers to be more hands on and be more in depth with their lessons. Another piece of the bill would require teachers to turn in their entire year plan before the school year started. This would require all teachers to know what they are doing an entire year ahead. Many problems arise within this piece of the bill, the first being unplanned problems. Teachers in 2020 did not expect a pandemic to arise and it put a hold on their plans. It is impossible to know the situations that could potentially happen or be able to plan problems. Another issue is the curriculum could change. A teacher may turn in their plans before the school year started and then the requirements and curriculum change. livestreams, it could cause any potential threats to be able to access the camera feeds as well. The Federal Bureau of Investigation released an article on school shooters, entailing their personality traits and what their motives are. In this article it states, “Threats are The bill was sponsored by made for a variety of reasons… State Representative Norlin a demand for attention.” In Mommsen and introduced on the unfortunate event that a February 1, 2022. It was rejected school shooting does happen, due to safety concerns. After the allowing a livestream of these bill was terminated, it raised events can potentially motivate a conversation with students, a situation. The perpetrator teachers and family alike. If all could find success knowing parents can get access to the the parents are watching. The House File also reads, “The bill provides that a superintendent of a school district who fails to cause an employee of a school district to comply with the requirements for classroom cameras shall be subject to a fine equivalent to 5% of the superintendent’s weekly salary.” If the superintendent is not able to monitor every single teacher in their district, they could be fined weekly. The Des Moines Independent Community School District is the largest school district in Iowa. With 61 schools and approximately 2,200 teachers, it is nearly impossible for the superintendent to be able to monitor each and every teacher to be sure they are complying with the cameras and keeping them in working condition. The bill is unnecessary and allows for many complications and threats to break through. While House File 2177 was terminated, it is expected to be revisited or for similar bills to be pushed.