Algorithm obsession

Anna Tanko, Opinion Writer

Everyone hears about how social media is so bad for you and how toxic it is. People treat it like an unhealthy relationship and blame insecurities, problems with sleep and health and a million other things on social networking and the internet. However, people forget social media is not a relationship. Social media apps like TikTok and Instagram are just algorithms and codes, algorithms that are designed specifically for you. Everything you look up, these apps remember and everything you like shows up more and more. You start to look up something because you are curious but it shows up more. Girls who complain about the awful body standards social media set for them do not realize it only shows up because they keep looking at it. It becomes an obsession of seeing the people who are supposedly prettier than you and your apps take that and keep feeding it to you. Some guys might get pressured to keep looking up explicit content because it feeds their interest and they wonder why they get addicted to it. They get mad when they see guys who are more muscular and thne proceed to do more extreme workouts then they look up physically dangerous ways to be stronger like unhealthy substances and falling into an obsession with becoming better. Some become obsessed with politics that may not even be reliable and spend their nights posting false infographics on stories and starting arguments to appear intelligent. These people choose to obsess over politics, not to educate themselves or look at what is better for the country, but use it as something they can feed off of and cure their boredom. Social media is designed to fill every possible want or curiosity. Everything you spend more time on keeps coming back to you. These apps could create healthy cycles like taking more of an interest in healthy hobbies on social media and you learn more, or get inspiration, For example, instead of feeding more unhealthy things I used to look at on apps, I started looking up healthy escapes that would take me off my phone like yoga or plants that I can grow from home. Social media is flexible, it will change with you, all it is is code and algorithms. Like I said before, all it is designed to do is feed your curiosity. For those who have unhealthy relationships with social media and blame everything under the sun on it, start reflecting inwards. You don’t hate social media, what you hate is the reflection of your toxic obsessions.