Why I stand for life

Morgan Ross, Opinion Writer

Fifty-eight million. That’s how many little heartbeats have stopped in America since 1973 due to the legalization of abortion. 58 million babies will never celebrate a birthday, learn how to ride a bike, graduate from college, or have a baby of their own because of another person’s “choice”. However, abortion has never been about a “choice”. It is about escaping the consequences of one’s choices by taking away the choices of another human being. I believe women should have rights, but I also believe terminating the life of an unborn daughter is not protecting her rights as a woman. Abortion is about human rights because no one deserves to leave the world without ever seeing it.
Do you believe Hitler had the right to choose to kill Jews just as women have the right to abort babies? Hitler killed over 11 million innocent people during the Holocaust and abortions kill over 42 million innocent babies in the world each year. Hitler thought he had the right to choose just like anyone else who is trying to justify murder as a solution. It’s ironic how everyone who supported killing the Jews weren’t Jews and everyone who supports abortion was born.
Life begins at conception. That isn’t just a theory, it’s a fact. By the time an unborn baby is eighteen days old, its heart beats, by forty-two days, there are brain waves detected, by eight weeks, all organs are functioning, and by ten weeks, it can feel pain. Nevertheless, a child can be aborted at any time during this nine month period because “they are not really people”. Why is a bacteria considered life on Mars but a heartbeat is not considered life on earth?
Every year on January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, thousands travel to Washington D.C. for a pro-life protest called March for Life. Due to the storm that covered the east coast in several inches in snow, I wasn’t able to actually march in the protest, but I was there in spirit, along with an estimated 650,000 other young people who were peacefully protesting to protect the right to life. Sadly, the national news media will hardly cover the event because of the government’s stance on abortion. However, no matter how much attention the media gives us, pro-lifers still stand strong because as Dr. Seuss once said, “A person is a person, no matter how small”.

Morgan Ross
Opinion Writer