Lose yourself in a good book

Ellie Meyer, Opinion Writer

“Keep reading. It’s one of the most marvelous adventures that anyone can have.”
If I am not at school, work, or out with friends and family, I will most likely be found curled up on the couch under a blanket with my nose stuck in a book. While most people see reading as a chore for school, I look forward to getting my hands on the next great novel. Books are magnificent things that transport us to new worlds. We become new people and lose ourselves in characters’ situations. Reading can be a great escape or a stress reliever. Read for an hour a day, and you will feel better from taking the time to just relax.
Nonfiction books paint the most realistic stories and have such strong emotion tied into them that you feel like you are in the story yourself. They make reading about history and current events exciting, and partway through the book you will forget that the story you are absorbed in is educational. While reading science fiction, you can dream up an entirely new world where anything is possible. Outside of books, we lack paranormal events and everything that seems impossible, but in books there are new realities – things we would never think of – and it is amazing!
Fiction and romance are the best books to get lost in. This is when I most often escape my own reality and find myself reading for six hours straight. It is extremely difficult not to fall in love with the story and the characters and not want to stay in their world forever.
It is difficult for me to choose my favorite book, but I recently read The Good Girl by Mary Kubica, and it is a great example of why I love to read. The plot has many twists and turns and kept me guessing throughout the entire book. In the four hours it took me to read it, I became emotionally attached, and my heart ached for the characters and their situations. I was unable to turn the pages fast enough, and I completely ignored my own surroundings.
Many people would rather wait to see the movie instead of reading the few hundred-page book, but where is the fun in that? Reading books will let you decide who the characters are and what their surroundings look like without needing the visual aid of the movie screen to show you. Reading a book, newspaper, magazine, or even an article online is the best way to use your imagination and it can take you to many new places.