Pace yourself with technology

Hailey Justice, Opinion Writer

As a member of the generation that is so technologically advanced, I can’t help but feel totally left behind. I’m constantly reminded by older people that “my generation is going to ruin everything”. To be honest, I’m so far behind this generation. I am told that my generation is “addicted to technology and social media”. These accusations are just being made because people fear new things. Technology is so universal it seems it may be taking over our world. I disagree with the criticism, and I want to defend my generation against the accusation of being “addicted”.

If you know me, you know that it took me until iOS 8 came out to finally get rid of the iOS 6 update on my iPhone. It got to the point where none of my apps would work anymore because the software was so behind. Recently, I possessed the iPhone 5C while everyone was updating to the iPhone 6S. It was a pretty big shock to some people when I whipped out my little yellow phone. Most of the time I am no better than an older person with a cell phone.

Being a part of this generation is also like being told that I am expected to know how to use every new piece of technology. I can be honest and say that most of the time I have no idea how to work a lot of things on the computer. I’m not sure if I’m just very behind the technologically advanced aspect of my generation or if my generation was just given the label that we are supposed to know what to do. It seems that the label was put on us by older generations. Am I ruined because I am part of this technological generation?

Social media goes hand-in -hand with technology. We are also accused of being addicted to social media. I disagree with this as well. Although I do understand that some people may be obsessed. Social media is just another part of technology. A big concern to me is that people don’t read anymore because of it. Social media now replaces and acts as a newspaper for world events and also personal things in people’s lives. Everything has just become easier, and we have adapted to it.

Technology and, in fact, most inventions are made to make things easier. As these devices and apps are invented, we utilize them just as any other invention has been utilized. For example, would you use a washing machine or a dish washer to clean your dishes? You would probably prefer the dish washer, as it makes the job easier. Just because it is more advanced doesn’t mean our generation is going to ruin everything. Our generation has so many resources now that could lead us to be more successful and powerful. So, next time you criticize my generation for being addicted, just remember that every generation has something they obsess over and times are constantly changing. We are simply adapting.