Edit with care

Nick Drahozal, Opinion Writer

Whenever I log onto Instagram, I see people who do not look like themselves in real life. This is because they overedit their photos. I don’t understand why they do this. Why would you edit yourself to the point of being unrecognizable?
It’s obvious when people overedit their photos, especially if they do a bad job. How did your body transform into a model’s overnight? Is it that new workout called Photoshop Pro? If you want real results, then hit the gym. While you’re there, why not take a selfie for Instagram just for fun?
If you decide to edit your photos, please at least take the time to do it well. As stated before, doing a choppy job is very noticeable. If you choose to whiten your teeth, whiten just the teeth. I didn’t know white gums existed until I saw an Instagram photo featuring mysteriously white gums. If you add a filter, add a filter that enhances the photo rather than one that makes you look orange.
I always wonder what causes someone to delete a photo. The conclusion I come to most of the time is that they didn’t get a certain amount of likes. So what you didn’t get 200 likes? It shouldn’t matter. One of the photos on my Instagram account only has 65 likes, but it was one of my favorite memories from middle school.
Instagram and Twitter should be about the memories, not about how unrealistic your photo looks or how cool your life is perceived to be. Please don’t resort to overediting your photos. It makes you look like a fool. If you decide to overedit a photo, then get ready for people to base their perception of you by your Instagram photo.