Thank you speech team

Lauren Ulveling, A&E Writer

When I think back on my best memories in high school, they are from the Xavier Speech Team. Some of those include: waking up before dawn to travel to competitions, performing with my best friends and, of course, the annual dodgeball match of everyone versus gingers. 

I’ve made some of my closest friends in speech (looking at you: Penelope, Nicole, Devin, Ryan and Emma), and let me tell ya, nothing beats performing with your best friends. 

Over my four years, I’ve been a state performer six times. Finding out you’re going to state is one of the best feelings in the world. The people I have to thank for these opportunities are our coaches.

Thank you Scott for believing in me and pushing me to be a better performer and person. It’s hard to know that next year I won’t be able to come to your classroom after school and tell you all the tea from the week. Your kindness and passion have impacted me and will always inspire me. 

Thank you Laura for pushing me out of my shell. I will never be more grateful and can not thank you enough for your belief and encouragement. I went from having a panic attack at individual districts freshman year to being a senior performing at individual state and that is because of you. 

Thank you Lisa for your unwavering support and kindness. You provided me the patience and guidance I needed to become the performer I am today. Your dedication to the team will not be forgotten.

And lastly Jacob, thank you for support and guidance. You made rehearsals a fun and inviting environment that provided me the safety to be bold and build my confidence. 

I would not be the performer or person I am today without the speech team, and for that, I am forever grateful.