All about art club

Josh Slusarek, A&E Writer

Anyone can enjoy art whether they are artistically gifted or not. Art club president, Elizabeth Swiderski believes this. She runs the art club at Xavier alongside her vice president, Lauren Ulveling.

Art club is one of the many different clubs available at Xavier for students to join. They meet on the first and third Thursday of each month.

“Art club is where everyone, regardless of skill, is able to create art. We have a different prompt or activity to do each meeting,” Ulveling said. 

During each meeting, club members have access to a wide variety of materials and mediums to create something based off the prompt. For some meetings, this can be something as lighthearted and fun as making memes, using paint, or cutting out paper. Other meetings it could be holiday based. The last gathering of October was Halloween oriented where people were able to paint pumpkins and take them home. 

Swiderski and Ulveling are always trying to come up with new ideas for things to do. 

“Some of our ideas for future meetings include decorating mugs, illustrating our favorite memes and going to an art museum,” Swiderski said. 

For those that enjoy art or are interested, the art club is looking for new members. There are free snacks as well as music in a custom playlist that as Swiderski puts it, “slaps”. 

“You by no means have to excel in art to join. Art club is a place for everyone to just have fun while being creative,” Ulveling said. “I regret not joining sooner because I have made incredible friendships and have had so much fun being in the club.” 

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join art club. The sign up sheet for art club can be found on the board in front of the art room. There is a $20 fee involved, which goes towards funding the club, as well as custom shirts. Those wanting to join must pay the fee by going to the 8to18 website.