Take the weight off

Claire Delaney, Opinion Editor

Take the weight off and keep it off. What did you think while reading that line? Was your first thought those few pesky pounds that are wrecking your “spring break bod”? Or was it, this or that person needs to lose weight? Either way, I want to change your thinking.

I am guilty of constantly being on a diet, cutting out foods or not eating enough so I can look good in that new swimsuit from Zaful. But why do I do this to myself? Is it personal body goals like getting toned arms or having that super skinny waist with the thick thighs? Is it comparing myself to the girl who sits in front of me during math class? Or is it celebrity Shay Mitchell who I follow on Instagram?

Personally, I answered yes to all of the above. Since I was in middle school, I have decided the number on the scale is the holy grail and the only thing that matters. Instead, what should matter is how I feel after eating an apple instead of the bowl of ice cream with whipped cream. What should matter is the time I made for a hard workout to improve myself.

We all have that one friend who can eat a whole pizza, breadsticks and be down to go to Perkins right after and gain no weight. But if I did that I would feel like a beached whale and be embarrassed by how much I ate. I have been guilty of not spending time with friends when they were going to Parlor City for ice cream because I didn’t want to be tempted with food when I should have been enjoying the time with my friends because high school goes fast. I spent too much time focused on the calories I may consume rather than the memories I could be making.

The social media we see everyday puts us down and makes us feel we need to be something that is near impossible to achieve. The models we follow spend nine plus hours in the gym a day. The Kardashians post their salad pictures and make us feel guilty for the Dunkin’ run we had that morning. Well, I’m here to say we earned that special morning treat from Dunkin’. Life is too short to not get that chocolate covered donut with sprinkles and a coffee on the side.

High school is hard enough. We should not devote any of our precious time worrying about the number on the scale or how our friends manage to drop 17 pounds while eating tubs of ice cream. We need to start putting ourselves first and stop putting ourselves down. I know I’ll be sitting on the beach over break thinking that I can say I’m comfortable in my body for the first time in a long time. Now that I have stopped obsessing over the number on the scale or how toned I look, I can finally enjoy myself and time with friends and family. So do yourself a favor and take the weight off your shoulders.