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Xavier Students join hands to say the “Our Father” during mass. Mrs. Kellie Wagner Photo.

Nicole Hassenstab, A&E Writer

As a senior, I’ve been getting very nostalgic lately. When thinking about my time in high school, what comes to mind more than the things I did are the things I didn’t compete. The biggest thing I regret not doing sooner in high school is participating in school Mass. Take it from someone who’s been there, you will regret not going all in once you become a senior. It took Kairos and a summer service trip for me to realize the importance of attending and participating in Mass, even though I’ve been going to Catholic schools since preschool. School Mass is a huge part of life at Xavier, and I wish I’d embraced it much sooner than I did.

Unlike middle school, we don’t have Mass every week. We only have it once a month. That is only about 40 or so Masses in your high school career. That may sound like a lot, but it really isn’t. If you’re like me, and it takes you several years to realize the importance of Mass, you’ll have missed so many opportunities to grow in your faith.

Freshman and sophomore year, I didn’t think it was cool to sing or participate, so I’d stand there silently with my arms crossed, counting down the minutes until lunch. I thought God didn’t care about me, so why should I care about Him? Because of that negative mindset, I missed out on so much, and now I feel like I have to make up for lost time.

Wherever you are in your faith journey, everyone can benefit from participating fully in Mass. Even if your faith life is far from perfection, just try participating. You may see a whole new side of the Mass you previously thought was boring. When we have Mass, don’t worry about looking cool around your friends or what others are doing. Sing, say the prayers, and take time to reflect for yourself. Participate fully and take every opportunity to speak with God. If the thought of going all out for Mass intimidates you, take baby steps. If you can’t sing, just hum along. If you don’t have all the prayers and responses memorized, just say the prayers you do know. Be present in the moment, and have a genuine conversation with God.

To some, Mass is simply an inconvenience. To me, it is a vital part of the Xavier community. To people who dislike Mass and think it’s boring, I think they haven’t found the right Mass for them. If you try different churches and different times, you’re bound to find one Mass you really enjoy. Try to take advantage of every opportunity to grow in your faith while you’re still in high school. Try going to Friday morning Mass, go on Kairos, sign up for a service trip, become a Eucharistic Minister, and really pray during adoration. Be a good role model for your classmates and show others how to participate in their faith. Try going all in for Mass, and you’ll be amazed at what you will get out of it.