A high school love story


Danny Curphey, A&E Writer

Bromance: a close, emotionally intense, non-sexual bond between two or more men. It is also what got me through high school. The first time I was exposed to a bromance was freshman year when I became close with Clayton Laska. I had always known about this kid. I even hung out with him a few times in middle school. However, I never really got to know him. It was not until freshman year when we truly started our bromance. We would bond over our hatred of science class, not wanting to do homework, and our annoyance with math problems. It soon branched away from school when we discovered that we shared a love for other things, like playing Fifa, the Minnesota Vikings, and, of course, our passion for quality snacks.

My next bromance started later during freshman year and into sophomore year when Clayton introduced me to Jackson Schuster. Just like Clayton, I had a similar exposure to Jackson in middle school. Despite us not having much in common, with him being studious, hardworking, disciplined, and having a liking for bad teams (none of which apply to me), we still became close through our mutual bromances with Clayton.

The third bromance started recently. His name is Nolan Dostal, and he’s something else. We have always been semi-friends, being in football and soccer together, but, it was not until recently that we actually started to hang out. We quickly learned we share a love for playing and watching different sports and  we share a similar sense of humor because we like dad jokes. The two of us grow closer each and every day.

Overall, I don’t know where I would be without these boys. I have spent so much time with them on school nights and weekends watching The Bee Movie, playing video games, jamming to Shaquille O’ Neal’s music albums, and eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew, as well as spending time with the father figure of our lives: Jeremy Kane. He teaches our feeble minds that Shrek is love, Shaq is the best at everything, and  that jerseys are always acceptable and stylish, no matter where you go.

These bros are my best friends and have always been there for me. I don’t know where I will be without them once college comes around. I wish them the best next four years of their lives, because they definitely deserve it.

Danny Curphey  

A&E Writer