1,370 short days


Brylie Hayes, Backpage Writer

Only 1,370 school days… that is all it will take for me to realize the true importance of my high school years.

On May 21, we will have entered Xavier High School 1,370 school days ago, and in the blink of an eye, the year that has been printed on the front of our class t-shirts is finally here. The last thing on the to-do list is to graduate. As I walked in the doors of Xavier, I was told to take every opportunity. As I prepare to walk out of the doors, I am told to live without regrets. From the school dances and cheering on the Saints to academic work and balancing relationships, I have learned the true importance of why high school is great a time to be alive.

Let’s get the typical advice out of the way; Yes, along with school comes a lot of school work *grunts*, but all you have to do is “git’er done” – as long as you learn a little something on the way, of course.

Now, moving on to the good stuff… here are five things that I found during my time at Xavier: 1) Respect got me a long way. Not only showing respect to others, but showing respect to myself made me a better person. 2) Relationships are hard, but they strengthened me. 3) It’s okay to break the rules once or twice, however, it is important to stay true to your values. 4) I would not be where I am today without God. 5) Senioritis is real, but you can overcome it.

Saints, cherish what is left of your high school years. I may not remember every little detail of every day, but I am grateful for all of the memories that came along with it and the people who have helped shape me into who I am. Take time to reflect and thank those people who have impacted you. Time will fly. There will be both tears and laughter, relationships will come and go, but always remember that you will soon be putting on those caps and gowns yourself and walking out of the doors of Xavier.

Fellow seniors, thank you. It was a good run, and as you go on to pursue your dreams, always remember where you came from. We may not be with Xavier forever, but Xavier will always be with us.

Brylie Hayes

Backpage Writer