If high school was a movie


Elizabeth Janey, A&E Writer

If high school was a movie, it would be titled The Rise of Youthfulness, directed by Wes Anderson. It would have some type of an indie soundtrack and be based on real life events.

This would be my review: High school movies are the most cliché movies out there. They include stereotypical jocks and popular kids, high school drama, and bad relationships

Fortunately, this movie does not focus on these areas. Rather, it is a coming-of-age story based on the high school career of a teenage girl. Filmed in a Catholic high school in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, this movie encompasses small town culture to a tee. The close-knit community and way everyone helps out during times of hardship provides heartwarming moments of awe. The various ways kids have fun in town are shown through scenes of late-night drives, hiking trips, concerts, and simply hanging out with friends on Friday nights.

The movie starts with the main character’s freshman year and shows their transition from an awkward middle school student to a somewhat less awkward high school student. The character’s development is phenomenal. She is seen overcoming various hardships while also learning the correct way to study. The relationships formed with other classmates and teachers is really one of the highlights of the movie, and the impact they have on the character is unimaginable. Her social life flourishes during her senior year, and she finally reaches for her goals. The hope she contains could light a small fire.

The cinematography of the film is also beautiful. With wide one-shots and nature scenes, every scene is vivid and full of life. The movie was shot in classrooms that were much less boring than  some of the course work, and the movie flies by. What is actually  two hours feels more like 20 minutes.

Overall, I would give this movie nine out of ten stars. It really encompasses what high school is all about and how, with enough effort, anyone can succeed. Spoiler alert: The protagonist graduates high school and will be attending the University of Iowa.

Elizabeth Janey

A&E Writer