Savor the flavor


Junior Janessa Klein poses with blueberry muf ns which are her favorite avor. Caitlin Kramer Photo.

Janessa Klein, Opinion Writer

In my mere 17 years of life, I have cracked the code on the most important question everybody around the world has been asking: how does

one properly eat a muffin? I have tried many different ways and have explored many different muffins. I found that eating bottom to top is the best way to savor all the flavor.

Everybody knows the top of the muffin is the best. It is the smoothest, tastiest, and all around most well put together part of the muffin. The top of the muffin should not be something we take for granted; it should be savored and appreciated. This is why I believe saving the top for last is definitely the way to go.

Many people would argue that since it is the best, the top should be eaten first! Here is the issue with that: when one obtains a very special gift that should be treasured forever (like the top of a muffin), it should be cherished for as long as possible. In this way, we are saving the best for last.We are valuing the top of the muffin because it is special to us.

The bottom of the muffin is the part of the muffin that we all manage to eat because no one has invented muffins with only the top part (seriously, someone get on that). Why would one not want to skip past the worst part of an object? In life, the bottom of the muffin is the difficulties we have to face. We want to overcome our difficulties quickly and therefore, reach our treasures in life, like the top of the muffin.

In this way, we should all quickly eat the bottom of the muffin, but not too quickly because there are always good bites of the bottom in the muffin (a.k.a. the lessons we learn from our difficulties). After quickly eating the bottom of the muffin, one is then able to savor and enjoy the top of the muffin.

So next time you eat a muffin, consider treasuring the top and overcoming the bottom, treating life in the same way.