Love is a Dangerous Word

Tim Globokar, Opinion Writer

In today’s pop culture, we often see one common theme; love. We see and hear it in popular movies, tabloids, and music. What do these movie stars and

musicians know about love? Love requires commitment, and we see these popular artists going through multiple divorces, breakups, and other scandals. If they sing and act about love, yet are not truly in love, what could the e ect of these songs and movies be to viewers and listeners? This culture has greatly in uenced how our generation misuses the word love.

We have adapted to a culture of feeling. If it feels good, do it. We love to hear someone say they love us because it gives us a warm fuzzy feeling inside. However, we treat love like our favorite shirt. We love that shirt, and it makes us feel great. However, when we see a shirt that we like better, we take it. True unconditional love for someone requires commitment, and we are oftennotreadyforthatattheage of 16 or 17. Commitment scares us because what if we get into a ght with the person we love and that warm, fuzzy feeling fades. We do not want to lose that feeling.

I see true love in my parents in the way they support each other in good times and bad. They truly long to be with each other when they are separate. Even after an argument or ght, I can tell they hurt only because the other hurts. Love is about always wanting to be with that person. It

is about being able to tell them anything. Even if it isn’t something they want to hear, they will give the person a chance to hear them out. It is about knowing a person so well that you can tell when something is wrong, even before they realize it. I model myself after my parents. I hope one day, I nd someone who loves me as much as my parents love each other.

All of this, however, does not mean we are not capable of love. True love comes quickly for some and takes time for others. I know for certain students at Xavier have been in love, but often, it is not reciprocated that same way. This sets us up to be hurt andheartbroken.Iamanadvocatefor teen dating. It gives students a chance to gure out what works and what doesn’t in a relationship. However, the truth is, not many students who date in high school will get married.

We often fall into the trap of falling head over heels for someone very quickly, myself included. This sets ourselves up to get hurt. Teens will use the word love to describe the way they feel for someone, and it is not always the right word to use.

We need to learn that love does not mean the other person makes youfeelreallyhappy.Ifweusethe word love, we must be ready to stand behind what it means and that takes commitment. Most teens who date will experience heartbreak and will use the word love. Love is a dangerous word, so we must know what we are saying before we say it.