Students plan Stations of the Cross

Sylvia Clubb, News Writer

A long-standing tradition at Xavier High School will have a new sound to it this Easter season. Stations of the Cross will be held in the Regis-Lasalle Theatre on Thursday, April 13. This year’s observation of the Stations of the Cross will include songs written and performed by Xavier students, along with dialogue and a visual portrayal of the Stations of the Cross. Drama Director Ms. Sarah Hayes has been working with junior Nolan Pithan and seniors Connor Miller, Sam Rohret, and Hannah Zwanziger to create a unique and prayerful experience for all involved  in and attending Xavier’s interpretation of the Stations of the Cross.

“The purpose of Lent is to reflect and ask for repentance,” Ms. Hayes said. “We wanted to honor that purpose by allowing students to visually see all that Jesus Christ sacrificed for our sins, to connect the idea of our sins viscerally nailing him to the cross, and to reflect and ask for forgiveness in prayer and song.”

Both Miller and Zwanziger have had original music included in Xavier’s Stations of the Cross since 2014. This year, they hoped to have a more cohesive feel throughout the Stations of the Cross by writing music for specific stations. Xavier’s Stations of the Cross will also include a script focused on opportunities for prayer and reflection by students.

Composers are not the only students involved in the process of bringing the Stations of the Cross to life; it will also need the help of actors, musicians, and a technical crew to create a meaningful experience for all in attendance. Xavier’s Stations of the Cross is open to the public. Performers and crew involved will rehearse leading up to the two depictions. All involved traditionally wear black as a reminder of the somber occasion of Jesus’ death. The work and thought involved leading up to the Stations of the Cross is done in order to honor the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ for all people.

“We wanted to create a prayerful experience that will hopefully be a reminder  of the importance  of  this time  of year in our faith,” Zwanziger said.

The Stations of the Cross not only serves as a remembrance of Jesus’ crucifixion, but also as preparation for the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Sylvia Clubb

News Writer