New Marion library booked

Lizzie Leu, News Writer

Afteryearsof nancialplanning foot library, 10,000 square-feet

and preparation, board members of the Marion Public Library say they are nallyreadytobeginexpansion. They are working with Ryan Companies, a development partner, to design an entirely new facility. The new building will be located across the street at the current City Square property, as it is very important to library leadership that the location of the library remain uptown.

The plan originated in 2009, when Marion residents identi ed several plans to improve the community. Expanding the library was one of the 1,800 ideas, and received the second highest number of votes. Board members began throwing around ideas, including conversations about expanding the current building, constructing a second building across the street connected by a skywalk, and demolishing the current building and putting up a mixed-use structure in its place. Library leadership made sure to get feedback from the community about ideas and planning.

“I started as the director of the library about ten months ago, and it was fascinating to go back through the life of this project and see how it has evolved,” Library Director Ellsworth Carman said. “The current plan will allow us to incorporate many features the community has asked for, and it has the bene ts of a mixed-use facility.”

The current proposal encompasses a mixed-use building that will include the 45,000 square-

of retail space along 7th Avenue, and 75 apartment units located above the library and the retail space. Board members hope to keep the cost at $12 million.

One concern is a lack of available parking in the area. A proposed solution is to have library parking in the Katz lot and to expand the library’s current lot to accommodate about 200 vehicles. Additionally, there will be an underground parking area for residents of the apartments, and parking will be increased on 7th Avenue by converting the parallel spaces into angle spaces. Supporters say the library has needed to expand as the number of people visiting the library has increased over the past few years. Some residents of Marion attend Xavier and are excited for the construction of the new facility.

“I think it has potential to breathe new life into that part of the community,” junior Joseph Bioche said. “It could greatly bene t education in Marion.”

Library leadership expects the construction of the new facility to take between 15 and 18 months, with ground breaking beginning in the fall of 2017. Board members are open to discussing the plan and are answering everyone’s questions, whether they be positive or negative.