Keeping connected


Gabby Waltermeyer, Opinion Writer

We all have those people in our lives who we can call best friends; the people who are always there for you, you trust with your life, and who always make you laugh. Best friends are necessary to a happy life. So how do you stay connected with loved ones?

In high school, we are constantly busy. Between our school work, jobs, extra curricular activities, and our own families, we barely have time for our friends. Seeing them during the school week becomes almost impossible if you don’t have a single class together. Even though you are busy, you should find time for each other. You have to have at least five minutes a day to just sit down and talk with your friends.

Most people would say their friends are who they talk to when they have problems. We trust them, they understand us better, and they truly care. Our time with friends is therapeutic and can turn a hectic day into a hysterical one. You need to vent with your friends and let it out so you can move on from the day. Friends are what keep us sane!

So going back to the original question, with everything going on around you, how do you keep connected? A simple text or snapchat everyday can keep a friendship strong or a five-minute conversation during a passing period. Even setting aside one of your weekends to just invite them over, go out to a movie, or even have dinner can help strengthen a friendship. It doesn’t take a lot to stay connected with someone you care about, and I think we forget that a little effort goes a long way.

So next time you are feeling down or lonely, remember your friends are there for you. They are the people who will keep you going through tough years. Don’t lose touch with them just because your lives are busy; our lives are only going to get more chaotic as we age. Make time and enjoy the small conversations. Friends hold so much more value than we could ever imagine.