Theology class explores other faiths in the field


Peyton Recker, News Writer

Field trips do not end after elementary school. As Xavier’s  newest  addition to the Theology Department, Dr. Jason Reed brought adventure back into learning for students in his Comparative Religions class. His course curriculum aims to gain an understanding of other religions and cultures, while allowing students to explore the Catholic faith deeper by examining similarities and differences.

Comparative Religions is the first course of its kind to be offered at Xavier. The class offers dual credit for students through St. Louis University. In order to supplement the knowledge the students have acquired thus far on Catholicism, Judaism, and Hinduism, Dr. Reed organized a field trip. The class visited three local religious institutions: St. George Orthodox Church, the Temple of Judah, and the Hindu temple. The group embarked on their journey on Friday, December 9 for a day full of discovery and understanding.

“My  favorite part of the field trip was going to the Hindu temple,” senior Shelby Younggreen said. “I have been to some Hindu ceremonies in Nepal before, so it was amazing to see the faith practiced here so close to home.”

Parents volunteered as drivers for some students, while others took a bus to the locations. They all stopped for lunch at the Lindale Mall food court to top off the afternoon of learning.

“It was fascinating to see the material we studied as a class during the semester come to life,” Dr. Reed said.

Dr. Reed will also be offering a philosophy course second semester, which may provide more opportunities for students to visit people and places within the community.