To string or not to string


Peter Deegan, News Co-Editor

String cheese: a delicious snack and the world’s greatest answer to better cheese portability. One of the greatest controversies of our time is the issue of how one should eat string cheese. Bite or peel? The disagreement over this matter is deeply woven into the culture of America. It has divided friend groups, businesses, and even families. Why? Well, I would contend that the whole quarrel is… cheesy.

People should be able to eat string cheese as they please. They shouldn’t feel pressured into conforming to the expectations of society. This is America! String cheese was intended to be a delectable treat that brings people together, not one that tears them apart. Let’s celebrate the freedom to choose that makes America great, that makes cheese great!

Let’s not look down on those that bite. Biting has its benefits. It’s quicker and more convenient. You need not look at the cheese stick to consume. You can multitask! By biting, you get significantly more cheese with each bite. Biting empowers you to eat an entire cheese stick in four bites or less. It really lets you customize your experience. If you want to spend 15 minutes eating your cheese stick, you can. If you want to eat it in 15 seconds, you can. Biting is far more flexible than peeling, which gives you a single fixed option of how long it will take to eat your cheese.

Don’t be dairy-intolerant. Biting string cheese might be different. It might scare you or make you uncomfortable. But just because it’s not for you doesn’t mean that it can’t be for others. Don’t take away from the eating experience of others. Eating isn’t a one size fits all, and it shouldn’t be. Let people eat string cheese in a way that makes sense for them. It may sound cheesy, but if we all work together and accept everyone’s string cheese eating preferences, we’ll have a more positive experience and be able to focus more on what really matters: the proper way to peel a banana.