Eighth graders discover Xavier

Sylvia Clubb, News Writer

Xavier High School recently hosted 132 eighth grade families. On November 14, Xavier welcomed the class of 2021 and their families at its annual Discover Xavier Night. Eighth graders and their families were invited to hear talks from students and teachers, tour Xavier, and attend an activities fair. Mr. Nick Ireland helped make the night a success.

“We want families of eighth graders who might be considering a Catholic education here at Xavier to make an informed decision about where their son or daughter attends high school,” Mr. Ireland said.

Parents started the night in the Regis-Lasalle Theater, where they heard talks from Mr. Tom Keating and Mrs. Kellie Wagner, along with seniors Gwen Cataldo and Ryan Jasper. Eighth graders were welcomed to Xavier by the Marching Saints in the cafeteria and heard from seniors Faith Satern and Maliki Wilson. Students were then invited to participate in campus tours led by Xavier Student Ambassadors. Parents were given a tour later in the night that ended at an activities fair featuring over 20 extracurricular opportunities for their students to get involved. Of the 132 families present, two are not enrolled in Xavier feeder schools.

“Discover Xavier Night made me feel like Xavier was the right place for me because people were so nice to me,” junior Britta Howard said.

In eighth grade, Howard had to make the decision to attend Jefferson High School or Xavier. Her experience at Discover Xavier Night swayed her to choose Xavier.

“Discover Xavier Night is an important part of our efforts to showcase how Xavier High School is different from other schools,” Mr. Ireland said. “Xavier is unique because of its Catholic identity and its ability to help a student achieve their maximum potential spiritually, academically, and physically.”

The night gave potential Saints a view of Xavier from a student’s perspective and revealed opportunities Xavier has to offer.