Pizza on parole

Jackie Brock, Opinion Writer

Looking back on my childhood, I distinctly remember dabbing the pizza the school served with a napkin to get rid of excess grease and the fact that pizza was present at almost every single birthday party I went to. Pizza parties were also commonly used as incentives for us kids to “behave well” or to raise money for something. Most kids were thrilled to hear this and could hardly contain themselves. I, on the other hand, would simply groan in disappointment. Much to my dismay, the love of pizza my friends and peers shared was never outgrown, and I am still constantly surrounded by pizza lovers who gasp every time they hear I do not like pizza. It’s not that I hate pizza, but more that I think it’s spent far too much time in the spotlight of foods when there are so many other amazing dishes to try. I guess there’s something about a greasy, (usually) triangle shaped piece of bread with cheese and tomato sauce on top that seems to have crept its way into the hearts of many people.

According to an American pizza statistic, there are about 73,000 pizzerias in the U.S., which together sell 350 slices every second. That’s insane! In  the  rare event I am caught eating pizza, I usually can’t eat more than one or two slices in one sitting because my taste buds are suffocating in grease and screaming for some other food. Don’t get me wrong, certain pizza places, like Zoey’s, actually serve decent pizza. My main problem with pizza is that it seems to be preventing people from really going outside of their foodie comfort zones and trying something completely new. Through my food explorations, I have learned that I love Indian food, cheese wontons, Pad Thai, sweet potato fries with marshmallow creme, pierogies (look them up), and many more delicious creations.

I now list “trying new foods” as a hobby whenever asked. I turn to you, pizza lovers, who by now probably think I’m crazy. Next time you are thinking about going out or ordering a pizza, put that grease dabbing napkin away, and let your taste buds explore something completely new.

Jackie Brock

Opinion Writer