Single with a Squishmallow

Shane Pins, Opinion Writer

According to Good House Keeping, 36 million heart- shaped chocolates are bought each year. Bing Images.

On the morning of Valentine’s Day, I used to be so excited to go to elementary school. It was not to see if I got any love notes or anything shoved in my locker but I was excited because I would get free candy and nice notes from my teacher and classmates. I loved getting the Fun Dips; that was the best candy I could ever receive. My heart would be filled with so much joy but, little would I know in the future, I would soon never feel that feeling again. Knowing that everyone in our class would get each classmate candy and a nice note with it made everyone feel comforted and appreciative that we got something for Valentine’s Day. Now, in current high school Valentine’s Day, we do not get anything. It’s quite sad; we barely acknowledge that it is even Valentine’s Day. I miss that candy rush I used to have with my friends and we would all go out onto the playground and run it all off but we do not even have recess either anymore. As we grow, up things just change; things used to be in the palms of our hands, now they are out of sight. Of course, we have the lucky ones that are already in a relationship and get each other chocolates and gifts. They get all of the attention, love, and happiness with their date, and it truly just shows how lonely everyone and myself actually are. We do not have someone to run up to and make funny videos and pictures. We just watch, and contemplate moments. But what I like to do in those moments of despair is to remember that less than 2% of high school relationships last. It makes me feel a bit better (FindAnyAnswer). When I get home, my loving mother always gets me some Twix candy bars and a stuffed animal, usually a Squishmallow. Squishmallows are indeed my Valentine’s date: I get to lay down with them, eat with them and sleep on them. They just listen to whatever I have to talk about, the best comfort stuffed animal. But at the end of the day, I’m the loser talking to a stuffed animal about how lonely I am… But, if you are feeling lonely even outside of Valentine’s day, there are people to be there with you and back you up. You can find those funny friends or amazing family members that make you truly happy inside. You can find happiness and joy in other things as well, such as baking, sports, journaling, hiking, and so much more. You can go out and do what you want to do, find those things that make you happy and share those special things with the people you truly love, and have a great Valentine’s Day!