Teen obsession

Anna Tanko, Opinion Writer

News flash, no one cares about the pimple on your cheek. You might think everyone thinks it’s gross or you’ll look less put together but in reality no one’s thinking about others that much because we are so self-obsessed. We are so worried about the guy/ girl leaving us on read or the girl/guy in the hall staring at you and probably talking about you because you have drama. In our minds, we must do everything to protect ourselves and our ego, which only leads to self-obsession in high school. It gets to the point where we talk about each other behind one another’s back because they bother us so much. If you thought of someone while reading that, think: why do they bother you? Maybe they have a lot of confidence and you do not so you hate them because your ego will not let you think you have a problem with yourself. Or maybe the person in class who is really loud bothers you because in your mind they need to learn what you had to: be quiet and keep your head down so others will like you. We are so judgmental of each other because what we are doing is seeing ourselves in everyone else. We spend so much time picking at our skin in the mirror, working out to look better and putting on fake personalities because we need ourselves to be perfect in order to be satisfied. Everyone is gonna have something to say about you no matter what you do, so just do whatever you want. If you stop obsessing over yourself and start looking at the world around you, it gets easier. Life in the Xavier halls gets a lot easier when you are focusing on what you like about your surroundings instead of criticizing yourself and everyone around you. Slow down, stop thinking about yourself so much, and know that you are just fine the way you are.