“Nectar” review

Ally Burger

Imagine driving alone on a cold, dark night and listening to relaxing music as the vehicle warms up. There are many different singers that could be playing in the car, but the one chosen to listen to is Joji. Joji was recently on The Billboard Hot 100 Chart and has been nominated for iHeartRadio music awards. Joji is a well known Japanese singer-songwriter. In my opinion, he makes great, relaxing songs. On September 25, 2020, Joji released a new album titled Nectar.

There are many great songs on this new album. The type of music he writes can be described as a mixture of electronic, R&B, trap and folk. I like them because they are unlike other songs I have heard before. The song I enjoy the most on the album is titled “Sanctuary”. This song is slower and calming. The reason why this song stands out from the others is because of the lyrics and how catchy they are.

“Go ahead and bark after dark

Fallen star, I’m your one call away

Motel halls, neon walls

When night falls, I am your escape.”

Joji’s songs are not only catchy, but also relatable and helpful. Throughout his new album, he mentions different issues teenagers will come across. This is good because it allows those struggling to see they are not alone and maybe his music will even help them find a solution to their problems.  

I also believe the lyrics send a happy and positive message.

“‘Cause you never know

Just how long our lives will be.”

 I think one of the reasons Joji’s album has been successful is because he needs to visualize what the song means before he releases it. He wants to fully understand what his songs mean and how they will affect people.

I hope that Joji will be releasing another great album sometime soon and am excited to see where his new album “Nectar” will take him.

I would give this album a rating of 7/10.