All year round

Rachel Schneider, Opinion Writer

Christmas is a time of giving. We give to others by spreading joy and service to those who need it most. We buy presents and give them to support friends who have been there for us when others weren’t. We give our time and spend it with family who we’ve missed and haven’t seen in a while. Sometimes I wonder, though, what it would be like if the world did more acts of kindness all year round and not just during the holiday season.

Every year, Xavier does an angel tree for those in need of presents. Last year, I decided to get a couple of tags and buy some presents. I really enjoyed giving back to others and bringing the gifts to school. It made my heart so full knowing that I helped make someone’s day. I really regret not giving back sooner because I think it’s such a lovely thing to do for those who need it most. You just have to take that brave step towards reaching out, which can be scary, but everyone should try it.

Sometimes people have no time to give back and that’s okay. It’s hard with busy lives to think about others who are less fortunate than you. Maybe you have basketball practice and can’t miss out or finals are coming up and you want to be prepared and are busy studying.

While December can be a stressful month, giving is really important, especially around this time. Giving is something you can do all year round too, and not just during the joyful holiday season. Holding the door for someone walking into school, saying hi to classmates in the hallway and smiling for all to see are just some of the many moments where kindness and giving is shared. You could make someone go from having a bad day to having a wonderful day just because of a little kindness.

You never really know what is going on in another’s life, so take time to spread a little love whenever you can. We all know the world needs more little acts of kindness to make it go round.