To my number one hype man

Cassidy Erner, Business Manager

I have been surrounded by incredible people my entire life. While I don’t like to admit I don’t have everything figured out, I am lucky to be blessed with family and friends who have helped me navigate this crazy journey. One person in particular has been the best role model for me growing up, my sister.

Here are five lessons out of many I have my sister Emma to thank for:

1. All you can do is your best. No matter what challenges life throws at you, you have the capability to overcome it. Whether it be escaping your own sister successfully to avoid getting bit on the arm or writing a notable senior article, anything is possible even when you think it’s not. If something doesn’t go as planned, you either shake it off and move on or challenge yourself to improve.

2. Focus on the positives. While some days it may feel like the whole world is against you, I can promise it’s not. Life is full of opportunities to obtain a bright future. If you don’t make that team or don’t receive the grade you wanted on that test, focus on what you can do rather than dwelling on the negative events in your life.

3. Be happy you’re the younger sibling. Let’s just say I am extremely lucky to have an older sister to pave the way for me. My sister constantly reminds me how easy I have it. She is always there to explain what seems like an impossible AP Chemistry lecture or help me navigate through the beginning of my college journey. If I’m being honest, she’s right. Hold those who help you close to your heart.

4. Laugh at yourself. When you get home late after a long day of school and activities, sometimes you just have to start a dance party with your sister in the bathroom. Rather than stressing out about the test on Friday, it’s important to remember what life is all about. God didn’t create humanity so we would constantly stress and worry. He created us to flourish and enjoy all of his wonderful creation. Let yourself be present in the moment.

5. Cherish the memories. While we all wish those days and nights full of laughter and conversation lasted forever, the sun sets and rises every day. Life goes by too fast to not enjoy the beautiful souls around us. Live for moments you can’t put into words.

All in all, I have my sister to thank for helping shape me into who I am today. As I close this chapter of my life and begin a new one, I know Emma will be there to help me write it. Although she never fails to make fun of my lack of street smarts, she always has been and will be, my number one hype man.