A story of growth

Alex Drish, Opinion Writer

Usually, the holiday season makes people reminisce over the past year and all that has changed. I often find myself thinking about all of the people I’ve lost, all the difficulties I’ve overcome and the battles I’m still fighting. It’s hard sometimes to not look back on the pain and heartache of the past year.

I find myself thinking this has been the best and the worst year. Which is a good thing because I can’t even begin to describe how many lessons I have learned this year, from the value of money to the value of time with family. I’ve also experienced so many things and formed bonds with people I never thought I would. I’ve seen some of the closest people to me battle mental and physical health issues while I was also battling with how to cope with them. I’ve seen myself struggle with my own heartaches and changes.

The experiences of this year have taught me the value of small moments with people. For example, my best friend brings me flowers because she knows I’m going through a tough time watching a loved one battle a lot.  Then there are those nights with my family where we are laughing uncontrollably and playing a game, but I remember my family hates games and the only reason they are playing  is to put a smile on my face. Those are the things to focus on in the bad times, because I can tell you that the bad times seem to last forever and the good times seem to never long enough. I will also tell you to not be afraid to experience life and make mistakes, because by making mistakes, we grow more and discover who we truly are. Even as I wrote this very article, I am growing and trying to learn how it is okay to be more vulnerable in my writing. Thanks, Claire and Mrs. Wagner 😉

This year has helped me grow and learn so much about myself. I’ve learned how sometimes you have to fall apart to become strong again, and sometimes you have to be willing to be real with people to form the most meaningful bonds. I formed a friendship with someone I thought had it all together and was always happy, but I learned that they were going though their own changes too and they needed a friend just as much as me. I have also learned the true value of family and how thankful I am for mine. They have shown me that life isn’t as bad as I sometimes think and things may not go how I thought they would, but that is okay.

Looking back on what I’ve experienced, I see how family and friends are even more meaningful this time of  year. Therefore, text the family member you haven’t seen in ages and go get lunch. Call the friend you haven’t talked to in a while and catch up.

Reflect on the year and see if you’re happy with it. See if you have grown. Think of what you want for the next year and try to make the most of what is left. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and get hurt because that’s how we become our strongest selves.