137 days

137 days

Ellie McDermott, Feature Editor

Everyone says, “Hindsight is 20/20.” While I have experienced that on a few occasions throughout my life, it never became as real to me as it did while reflecting back on the last 137 days. These last days are significant because they represent the days I was willing to forego when I planned to graduate early last December. As I look back now, almost 137 days later, I am glad I made the decision to finish out my senior year and graduate in May. As my older brother Adam pestered me for months by saying, “You’ll miss so much, and stop rushing to grow up.” Never did I think my 21-year- old brother would say something so significant that it would change my high school experience.

After I realized my brother was right, I quickly fell in love with the saying, “In life you should make the small decisions with your head and the big decisions with your heart.” Because of this, I decided to follow my heart and stay at Xavier to finish my senior year with my classmates. Being a forward thinker, I took for granted how long I had been waiting to walk across the stage and finally be a graduate of the class of 2018. What I did not realize was that my last semester of high school was going to be substantially different than the rest. If I would have graduated early, I wouldn’t have had the chance to be a Kairos leader, allow relationships to grow stronger, form relationships with teachers, and truly find myself.

When I returned from Christmas break, it felt as if everything fell into place. I instantly had the opportunity to be a leader on K30, which changed my life forever. To Bryson, Jenni, Sydney, Jackson, Laini, and Mr. Greene: thank you all for allowing me into your hearts, because I know you will forever be in mine. Then, when I received the news that all of my friends would be attending different colleges, I realized I needed to make the most of the time that I had left. I spent 137 days growing and strengthening relationships to last outside of my four years at Xavier.

No matter what you do, my advice is to always follow your heart. My whole high school career I was taught to think with my head and make the best decision. I am glad to now say that following my heart was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Ellie McDermott 

Feature Editor