To my brothers,


Thomas Bean, Opinion Writer

Michael and Matthew,             I have learned a thing or two about life in my 18 years in the world, and I hope to share these with you before I head off to college. While you both are probably too young to understand or appreciate what I have to say now, I hope in the years to come you will look back at this letter and can implement some of my advice into your lives.

When I planned on writing this, I was going to give you guys a run down of the things that would help you in high school, like doing your homework, being nice to teachers, and getting involved in school clubs and activities. While these things are important, there will be plenty of people in your life telling you these same things, so I won’t focus too much on that. Instead, I will let you in on a couple of lessons about life I’ve learned.

If someone can’t do something themselves, they are going to tell you that you can’t do it either. Everything in life can be accomplished with hard work and a bit of blind confidence. Without belief in yourself, you will never accomplish anything in life.

We are all dealt a different hand in life. There will always be someone who has it better than you, and there will always be someone who has it worse than you. So do not spend too much time comparing yourself to others. Instead, focus on being the best version of yourself.

It is one of the most important things to have good morals and values. Mom and Dad will help guide you and help form those values and morals, but it is up to you to keep a straight moral compass.

Be kind to everyone and make the Catholic faith a part of your life. We are only on this earth to live well and know God. Remember that.

Lastly, don’t take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. It is important to enjoy life and to appreciate the gift we are given every day when we wake up.

Thomas Bean

Opinion Writer