Romero evangelizes

Sylvia Clubb, News Writer

What is worth dying for? That was the exact question Jesse Romero posed to members of the Xavier High School community during his evangelization talk Wednesday, February15.Romeroisawell-known Catholic evangelist determined to spread the word of God to all people he encounters. Before Romero began speaking professionally, he talked up a few major accomplishments. During his time as a police o cer with the Los Angeles Sheri ’s Department, he was named the ten-time California boxing champion, the three-time world police and re boxing champion, and was the former American middleweight kickboxing champion.

“Mr. Romero approached us about giving a talk at Xavier,” head of campus ministry Mrs. Jody Esker said. “He can talk on such a wide variety of topics, so we didn’t know what to expect.”

During his time at Xavier, Romero preached the ultimate goal in life, to reconcile oneself with God before death. Romero shared inspiring stories of saints including St. Valentine and St. Telemachus. The message of these stories was simple; do whatever it takes to live out God’s will. In these cases, death was the nal measure.

“Life is short, death is for sure, and sin is the problem,” Romero stated in a booming voice.

The Ron Thillen Gymnasium was lled with complete silence. This simple statement was repeated

multiple times throughout Romero’s talk as a reminder to all listening of the harsh truth of life.

As a former Los Angeles police o cer, Romero is no stranger to sin. Throughout his talk, Romero recounted for listeners two stories; one of a man whose sins had been forgiven by God, and another who turned away from His divine power. Romero reminded the Xavier community that there are no participation awards after death, only winners and losers. Mistakes do not de ne a person’s life, but rather, it is what people choose to do with their mistakes that makes all the di erence.

“God allows people to change even at the last moment,” Romero said. While death is a sensitive subject to address, Romero welcomes it with open arms. Life and death have purpose. Romero’s message was stated loud and clear; nd the purpose of life and nd God.