Seize the day

Lauryn Montuoro, Opinion Writer

As I dive into my junior year of high school, I can’t help but be anxious about the ACT, what college I will attend, who I will marry, how many kids I will have, and when I will find my first gray hair. I am proud to say that I have my career path laid out, wedding planned, and the names of my kids already on birth certificates. I cannot wait to grow up.

Ever since I was a little girl, the future was all I could think about. I remember walking through the intimidating doors of Xavier, optimistic of what the next four years would bring me.

My freshman year consisted of my first year in high school show choir, dating my first real boyfriend, being a part of the cheer team, and getting cozy on the back bleacher for all sporting events. In a couple weeks, I was over being a freshman, and I couldn’t wait to be a sophomore. I was excited to no longer be at the bottom of the totem pole.

Soon enough, sophomore year came around. I took on a dance captain position in show choir, became involved in Key Club, went out with friends every weekend, and was able to drive wherever I wanted. Even after all these great things, I still wanted to be a junior. I wanted to be an upperclassman and a role model to all my peers.

I woke up for my first day of junior year. It was finally here. The everlasting, hellacious junior year. I moved up to varsity show choir, joined Art Club and Running Club, and worked on homework for hours every night. I started receiving mail from colleges that always seemed to form a lump in my throat.

Thinking about how I only have a short amount of time until I leave my family and move on to the next chapter of my life has made me think about where all the time has gone. I miss having sleepovers with my mom, biking with my dad, and having my brothers at home with me. I wasn’t able to fully appreciate those times because I was too worried about the future. I see way too many people nowadays who wish away their life, don’t live in the moment, and truly take for granted the people who love them most and the memories they are making. Carpe Diem, or seize the day, means to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future. I challenge you to grasp each day and to fully enjoy it. Seize the day and don’t wish away your life. One day, you will look back and wonder where all the time has gone.