

Maddix Stovie, Sports Co-Editor

Forget about me, I love you. I have heard this statement throughout my entire life. I never thought that a statement this simple would shape me into who I am today, yet it did. “Forget about me, I love you,” is what my family has said since the beginning. We use this saying because it shows how F.A.M.I.L.Y. ((F)orget (A)bout (M)e, (I) (L)ove (Y)ou) truly is suppose to be.

My family members are the people at the end of the day who I can turn to, know will always have my back, and love me for who I am. My family has shaped me into who I am today, and there are no words I have to describe my gratitude for each one of them.

God granted me a family with three brothers and not a single sister. Although I was upset about not having a sister and having Braden instead (when I was younger), it took me awhile to realize the true reason behind this “madness” of having three brothers.

I was granted three brothers to protect me when I fail, to help me up when I fall, and to love me no matter what. My brothers are the people I look up to; they are my role models. They are the people in my life that no matter what fight we get into, they will never turn their backs on me and will fight for me until the end of time.

Cal, Camden, and Braden, thank you guys for putting me first and always doing what is best for me. Thank you for protecting me, helping me build the confidence I have today, and never failing to make me laugh. Thank you for showing me how to be patient (for the most part) and how to stand up for myself; for showing me how to be tough and ALWAYS being honest with me, no matter how much it hurts. You guys put me first, and I couldn’t be more thankful for you if I tried.

God also gave me the most incredible parents in the world. Everyday they forget about themselves, and they love and care for my family. Both of you showed us our Catholic faith and morals, which we can never repay you for. Thank   you, Mom and Dad for always showing us unconditional love.

Dad, thank you for everything you do and for being somebody I can turn to no matter what. Thank you for making me play sports when I was little. I can’t imagine who I would be without sports in my life. Thank you for being hard on me and always pushing me to be my best. I would never have broken out of my shell if it was not for you. Thank you for being a strong Catholic figure to follow.

Mom, thank you for being my best friend; for being there for me through the thick and thin; for being somebody I can tell anything too; for being my sidekick in action. I am lucky to call you my mom, but I’m even luckier to call you my best friend. Even though I am not going far next year, I honestly cannot imagine not seeing you every day. You are the best mom anyone could ask for, and I love all you to the moon and back.

If there is one thing I had to take away from all of you, it would definitely be, “Forget about me, I love you.” I leave Xavier High School knowing the meaning of love.

Maddix Stovie

Sports Co-Editor